Motivational Talk With Raaz

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Motivational Talk With Raaz

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Stay positive, stay movivated and stay blessed

Motivational Talk With Raaz

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Stay positive, stay movivated and stay blessed

Motivational Talk With Raaz

Get Motivational Quotes, Pictures, Articles and many more.

Stay positive, stay movivated and stay blessed

Motivational Talk With Raaz

Get Motivational Quotes, Pictures, Articles and many more.

Stay positive, stay movivated and stay blessed

Saturday 22 July 2017

प्रेरक कथा nepali motivational story.

 प्रेरक कथा nepali motivational story.

उटा कम्पनीमा काम गर्ने सबै कर्मचारी अफिस बाहिर जम्मा भएका थिए । बाहिर ढोकामा एउटा सूचना टाँसिएको थियो । सूचना यस प्रकार थियो -' हिजो यस कम्पनीमा तपाईंहरूको प्रगतिलाई अवरोध गर्ने मानिसको निधन भयो ।' सबै कर्मचारी मित्रहरूलाई श्रद्धान्जलीका लागि उपस्थित भइदिन अनुरोध छ। '
सुरूमा त सहकर्मीको मृत्युको समाचारले सबैलाई दुखी बनायो । तैपनि सबै जान्न आत्तुर थिए , आखिर त्यो मान्छे को रहेछ जो उनीहरूको प्रगतिको बाधक थियो । सबैले एकछिन सोचे- 'कमसेकम त्यो मान्छे त मर्यो जसले हाम्रो प्रगति रोकेको थियो ।'
एक एक गरेर कर्मचारीहरू कफि
नजिक गए । जब उनीहरूले कफिनभित्र हेरे सबै अचम्मित र स्तब्ध भए ।कुनै चिजले उनीहरूको अन्तरआत्मालाई छोयो ।
कफिनभित्र एउटा ऐना थियो । सबैले त्यो ऐनामा आफ्नो अनुहार देखे ।
एउटा कागजमा लेखिएको थियो - 'तिम्रो प्रगतिको बाधक कोही छ भने त्यो तिमी नै हौँ । अरू कोही तिम्रो प्रगतिका लागि बाधक हुन सक्दैन । '
हाम्रो जीवन परिवर्तन हुँदैन तब सम्म जबसम्म हामी परिवर्तन हुँदैनौँ । हाम्रो जीवनका लागि हामी जिम्मेवार छौँ, अरू होईन ।
एउटा फुल जब बाह्य बलले फुट्छ जीवन समाप्त हुन्छ तर जब यो भित्री बलले फुट्छ जीवन सुरू हुन्छ ।

Motivational story in nepali, How do we get wisdom?

Motivational story in nepali, How do we get wisdom?

        एक युवकले सुकरातलाई सोधे- ' मलाई बुद्धि कसरी मिल्न सक्छ ?'
'मसँग आऊ', सुकरातले जवाफ दिए । त्यस युवकलाई लिएर सुकरात नदीमा गए र उसको शिर डुबाइ दिए । उनले युवकको शिर सासको लागि नछट्पटाउँदासम्म डुबाइरहे । अनि उसलाई छोडिदिए ।
जब युवक केही सहज अवस्थामा आयो तब सुकरातले उसलाई सोधे- 'जब तिम्रो शिर पानीमा डुबेको थियो, त्यसबेला तिमीले सबैभन्दा बढी के को चाहना गरयौ ?'
'हावाको' युवकले उत्तर दियो ।
डुबेको बेला हावा चाहेजस्तै बुद्धिलाई चाहने हो भने त्यो अवश्य मिल्नेछ ।

please Don't copy. Share if you like it.

Translated and abridged By :- Surendra Ojha

प्रेरक कथा Nepali inspirational story

 प्रेरक कथा Nepali inspirational story

एक जना गाउँका प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्तिले सबै गाउँले भेला भएको बेला घोषणा गरे- 'भोली एउटा भव्य पार्टी हुँदैछ ।त्यो पार्टीका लागि खीर बनाउन प्रत्येक घरबाट एक- एक लिटर दूध गाउँको बीचमा राखिएको एउटा ठूलो कडाहीमा हाल्नु होला ।' भोलीपल्ट उज्यालो नहुँदै झिसमिसेमै सबै गाउँलेले कडाहीमा दूध हाल्न सुरू गरे । तर अच्चम बिहान हेर्दा कडाही त पानीले भरिएको थियो । सबै गाउँले यो सोच्दै पानी हालेर गएकि आखिर सबै दूध हालेर गइराछन् त म एकजनाले पानी हालेर के नै फरक पर्छ र ? 

प्रत्येक व्यक्तिले इमान्दारी पूर्वक गरेको प्रयासले नै कुनै सामूहिक कार्यलाई सफल बनाउन सक्छ । जतिखेर हामी सोच्न सुरू गर्छौ कि अरूले गरेको प्रयासले नै मेरो काम पनि भइहाल्छ त्यतिखेर नै असफलताको सुरूवात हुन्छ
 please Don't copy. Share if you like it.

Translated and abridged By :- Surendra Ojha

Saturday 24 June 2017

प्रेरक कथा Motivational story in nepali. Translated By Surendra Ojha

Motivational story in nepali.

 प्रेरक कथा

एक जना ब्याकरणका पण्डित डुङ्गामा बसेका थिए । उनले डुङ्गा चालकसँग ब्याकरणको धेरै प्रशंसा गरे । उनले डुङ्गा चालकलाई सोधे - 'के तिमीले ब्याकरण पढेका छौ?' बिचारा डुङ्गा चालक, ब्याकरण के जानोस् । उसलाई त कालो अक्षर भैसी बरावर । उसले भन्यो - 'पण्डित जी ब्याकरण भनेको के हो , त्यो त मलाई थाहा छैन् ।' पण्डितले दुख व्यक्त गर्दै भने - 'हत्तेरी, यत्ति पनि थाहा छैन् तिमिलाई ! तिम्रो अहिले सम्मको जीन्दगी ब्यर्थ गयो ।' पण्डितको यो कुरा सुनेर उसलाई साह्रै नराम्रो लाग्यो । तर ऊ केही बोलेन् 
संयोगबस् त्यही
बेला ठूलो आँधी आयो । डुङ्गा तल माथि हुन थाल्यो । डुङ्गा चालकले पण्डितजीलाई सोध्र्यो -'पण्डितजी हजूरलाई पौडि खेल्न आँउछ कि आँउदैन् ? '
Nepali Katha
Nepali Story Translated by Surendra Ojha

Translated and abridged By :- Surendra Ojha

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Team work. Not good everytime.

Team work. Not good everytime. 

When i was in primary level school i used to miss my school when my brother is nt well. I was not ready to go to school without my brother, I was completely d
Team work not good every time. Motivational talk with raaz
Motivational talk with raaz, team work not good everytime.
ependent to him. I used to fear to go to school without him. As a result if he had any work I could enjoy my holiday.

I am not going there alone.
Who else is going with me?
How can I go there alone.
I have never been there before.
I have never done it before.
Just think how often we use those phrases.
 These are the phrases many people especially teenager and and students use. So what is the problem whith this. These phrases are making us dependent and weak, we make a habit of doing things only if there is someone else with us otherwise we fear. we are not able to take responsibilities.

Working in group or team brings miracles, but that doesnot mean  every time we have to look for others support. We need to be bold and able to do some task individually as well. When necessery we have to work in team and we need to be able to work alone as well because our parents may nt be there every time with us,
Our friends may not be with us every time,
Our loved ones may not be with us everytime, in those situation we must be able to work alone. Otherwise we cannot do that task.
So be bold sometimes and make a habit of doing some thing alone that will build

 self confidence,
 reflect our capacity,
we can identify our weak aspects
and we can self image would be improved.
A child also need to leave their parents hand inorder to walk alone. Child may fall but eventually  but learns to walk on their own foot. Thanks for visiting motivational talk with raaz.
Enjoy this love week.
Happy valentines week.
Share your views.
Keep reading, keep learning.
Stay positive ,
Stay strong, and
Stay beautiful.

Friday 20 January 2017

We need proper technique to live, we need proper technique to live our life, our life,

We need proper technique to live.

I dont know how to swim, though i tried it lot of times i couldnt do it. Whenever i go in water i feel like its pulling me down. Though i struggle alot, move my hands and legs alot but i reach nowhere. The only thing i get is unconsiousness sometimes if i tried it more. I lose lot of energy and get tired bt reach nowhere.
This is all because i dont have right technique. I have not learned how to swim. Neither practiced enough.
The same is with our life, we need proper technique to live our life, we need to learn to live this beautiful life to make it even more beautiful.
We need to learn to face all the ups and downs of our life so that we dont stuck in obstacles, be drepressed and unhappy.
Everybody have to face challanges, obstacles, us and downs.
Some grow up with them
Whereas, some go down with them.
We have to learn to deal with problems, accept challanges and face them, we need to learn to make decisions.
We need to learn to take care of our people, we need to learn to love, we need to learn to nurish our relationship to make them even stronger, to make them even more beautiful. we need to learn to enjoy beautiful moments, enjoy every second and live life.
Because life is really awesome
Life is worth living

Why youths in nepal having trouble in establishing business?

Why youths in nepal having trouble in establishing business?

As being a management student I want to do business and not only me alot of youths in nepal have dreams like me to have a business that was never done in the way we want to do. And there is nothing wrong in it, we have studied business and we want to do business.
But there is somewhere i am finding a gap. Which is creating a trouble for us.
We youths are ready to sytart big but we are not ready to start small.
Why we want to start big.
We want to start big because we all want return of all the investment we did till now at once by establishing a big business, we want to start big because people would be amazed and appreciate our work, becoz we want to make our parents proud just after getting out of college. 
Why we dont want to start small? 
We dont want to start small because small busineas are done by people who r not educated as well. And there we both educated and uneducated will look same. We fear what people will think, we fear that our investment would nt be recovered by starting small. We want to start big but we dont have enough finance. And finally our dream of doing business fades away. And we start finding job. 
But what would happen if we just dont see anything but start a small business, we would be able to learn our business from base, we would know it completely, there would be hard work, failure and pleasure of growing that business. When started we should have a picture in our mind. Picurue of the future. Where we want our business to be. That is the thing which would create difference between an ordinary man doing business and passiinate people doing business.
So lets looks towards starting small
Lets go from base,
If not individually 
Lets work in team,
But lets start
Start small but go big
Share ur views in it

Monday 15 August 2016

Do we look at happiness or sorrow?

Do we look at happiness or sorrow?

We may find a lot of reasons to be unhappy, we may not be loved the way we want, we may not get support as we have expected, we may not get the results as we have worked, We may not find our life worth sometimes and this is what happens when we look at life with eyes closed or just look at only dark side of life.

Life is not that much cruel to surround us with darkness everywhere but what we need to do is we have to change our focus. We need to focus on the brighter side of our life, we are blessed with a lot of things in our life, explore all those things that we are blessed with. Becoz when we bring light darkness automatically fades away.
When we bring reasons to be happy the reasons to be unhappy will fade away automatically. When we bring happiness sorrow will have no space in our life.

Life without sorrow, life without bounds.
Thanks for reading.
Stay positive, stay motivated and stay blessed.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Its all your choice. Motivatiinal article

Its all your choice

Life is all about our choices. We become what we choose to be. But the choice must me made in time otherwise we have to regret. Some grow, some suffer, thats life. But whenever a person grows he/she grows because of the choices he made years back. What kind of people he choosed to associate with, how he chooses to utilise his time, how he chooses to behave withpeople, what kind of attitude he chooses to live with all makes a differences.

 Sometimes our right choice which we choose may nt be right and have to suffer bt any how we dont have to quit making good choices. A honey bee chooses to sit in flower and colects nector while a snake chooses to inhale toxins from the environment. That makes a difference. 
Friends look at your choices. Because your todays choices are going to make your tomorrow better. Think on that.
Thanks for reading. 
Do share your opinions.
Stay positive, stay motivated and stay blessed.
-Raaz Ojha
6:55 PM, Sun, May 22

Sunday 22 May 2016

We become what we choose to be.

Life is all about our choices

Life is all about our choices. We become what we choose to be. But the choice must me made in time otherwise we have to regret. Some grow, some suffer, thats life. But whenever a person grows he/she grows because of the choices he made years back. What kind of people he choosed to associate with, how he chooses to utilise his time, how he chooses to behave with people, what kind of attitude he chooses to live with all makes a differences. Sometimes our right choice which we choose may nt be right and have to suffer bt any how we dont have to quit making good choices. A honey bee chooses to sit in flower and colects nector while a snake chooses to inhale toxins from the environment. That makes a difference.
Friends look at your choices. Because your todays choices are going to make your tomorrow better. Think on that.
Thanks for reading.
Do share your opinions.
Stay positive, stay motivated and stay blessed.
-Raaz Ojha
6:55 PM, Sun, May 22

Friday 13 May 2016

Radiating attitude, Radiating positivity

Radiating Attitude.

A flower has its own attitude, wherever it is and however the situation is, it never stops to spread its fragnance, it never denies to radiate positivity, beauty and glow. The circumstances never could change its attitude rather it changes the circumstances or situations by radiating its positivity, fragnance and glow.
Nature always inspires us in various ways. Flower gives us an invaluable lesson along with its fragnance and beauty.
Our attitude should be like flower.
Sometimes peoples attitude towards us may not be good but does that mean we have to lower down our attitude.
Try to analyse people their attitude, their intentions and behave accordingly. Develop trust, be real, be true, be fair, and finally be you- the real you.
Because trust is must.
Whatever.... Life is really awesome.
-raaz ojha
5:02PM,TUE, MAY 10

Stay true, stay blessed

Stay true, stay blessed.

I have seen two kinds of people one who believe that when my deeds will be good god will be with me its not compulsary to visit various place for god and the other person whose deeds are not good but visits various places for god, spend lot o money there and feels like all his ill deeds are forgiven.
And both live their life happily but there is a slight difference in their life. If their children or loved ones do any misdeeds the first one can confidently looking at their eye says that you doing wrong while the second person will not be able to do so.
Lets be fair with ourselves, lets be fair with life.
Life is really awesome.

Chase obstacles or obstacles will chase you.

Either u chase obstacles or obstacles will chase u. But the race is not going to be finished until we r here. When we chase obstacles we will be able to face them, win them and we will be more strong but if we run frm them we will be more n more weak, we will loose self esteem we will nt be able to live a content life. A life without limits. Life surrounded by opportunities. Instead life will turn into a burden.
So lets chase obstacles, lets fight with them not flee. and make this life worth living with head up.
Life is really awesome. Never let its awesomeness decrease.

Sunday 1 May 2016

How are our decisions?

How are our decisions?

We make lots of decions in our life. Sometimes our decisions make us glow and sometimes they make us low. But whatever the outcome of our decisions may be we should have enough guts to face the result with head up.

We are responsible for whatever happens in our life. Lets not act like a dumb. Who just complains and blame others for the things that happen in his/her life.
Lets learn to take responsibility.

I know the word responsibility is heavy enough with 14 letters but our solders are stronger enough to carry these 14 letters.
Whatever..... Life is really awesome.
Thanks for reading. Your views are most welcome.
-Raaz Ojha

Sunday 17 April 2016

Nepali story. Inspirational .Moral story in nepali

Motivational, inspirational and moral story in nepali font.
Nepali katha.
एउटा पहलवान जस्तो ठूलो शरीर भएको मनिस आफ्नो सामान लगेर एउटा स्टेशन मा ओर्लियो। उस्ले एउटा टैक्सी वालालाई सोध्यो मलाइ मन्दिर जनु टैक्सी वाला ले भन्यो २०० रुपयामा लग्छु। त्य्स पहल्वानले आफ्नो बुद्धिमनि देखाउदै  उस्लेभन्यो कहा येति नजिक को २०० रुपया। तपाइ टैक्सी वाला लुट्दै हुनु हुन्छ  यति नजिक को २०० रुपया कसरी हुन्छ आफ्नो समन आफै लगेर जन्छु त्यो मनिस अलि बेर अघि सम्म हिदछ अनि अझ प्रस्न गर्दछ भाइ अब मैले धेरै दुरि सम्म हिडिसके अब भन कति पैसा लिन्छौ। टैक्सीवालाले जवाब दिदै भन्यो अब ४००रुपया।
टैक्सीवाला लाइ सुनेर त्यस मनिस ले  भन्यो पहिला २०० रुपया अनि अहिले चाहि ४०० रुपया किन
टैक्सी वालाले जवाबमा भन्यो ; महोदय यति बेर सम्म तपाइ बिपरित बाटो हिडदै हुनु हुन्छ  जबकि मन्दिर आर्को तर्फ
त्यो पहल्वान केहि नबोलि चुप्चाप टैक्सी मा बस्यो
यसै गरि हामी जिन्दगी मा धेरै पल्ट बिना गम्भीरता पुर्बक सोचेर काम गर्छौ आफ्नो मेह्नत आफ्नो बहुमुल्य समय बर्दबाद गर्दछौ त्यस कामलाइ आधा मै छोड्छौ। कुनै पनि काम हाथ मा लिनु अघि सोच बिचार गरेर लिनु पर्दछ जुन काम हामी गरिरहेका छौ त्यो हाम्रो लक्ष्यको हिस्सा हुनु पर्दछ ।
एउटा कुरा याद राख्नुस कि सधै सही दिशा भयो भने मत्र हम्रो मेह्नतले रङ देखाउछ यदी दिशा नै गलत भने हामी ले जती सुकै मेह्नेत गरे पनि फाइदा हुने छैन

त्यसैले दिशा तय गर्नुस सफल्ता तपाइको हातमा हुने
Thanks for being part of motivational talk with raaz.
Stay positive, stay motivated and stay blessed.
Do share your thoughts and views. Would be glad to talk to you. 
